Yes, some Veggies actually
We all know that eating our veggies
is a good thing and now you can add
1 more reason to the list.
So, here's the sad facts about what's
going into our bodies.
You see, there are certain chemicals
that are in our food supply as well as
our environment (well actually,
there's lot's of chemicals everywhere
we can't avoid) but the one's I'm
going to talk about are the
one's that have an Estrogenic effect
once they get into our bodies
These nasty little external Estrogens
are actually called Xenoestrogens
and your fat cells just love this stuff.
So what happens?
Well, your body will start making fat
cells in order to have a place to store
these 'Estrogens'.
And where does your body like to
store these fat cells?
You guessed it, YOUR BELLY!
And this goes for you guys
as well as you gals.
These awful little Xenoestrogens are
The food supply, water supply,
the environment. Even in
household cleaners and cosmetics.
So even if you are living and eating
as healthy as you can, you are
still going to get some exposure.
Good News though! There is a way
to fight against these evil
so your body does not feel forced to
hang on to that darn belly fat.
Your weapon is the powerful class of
Cruciferous vegetables
like Broccoli, Kale, Brussel Sprouts,
Cauliflower, Cabbage, etc. You have
also heard them referred to as
'Green Leafy Vegetables'.
If you look up 'Cruciferous' in
Wikipedia there is a list of some
39 vege's, so you're bound to
find some that you like.
These types of veggies contain some
really powerful compounds called
One of these phytonutrients is
called Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C).
Among some of the fabulous things
I3C does, is help fight the effects of
these Xenoestrogens which
in turn will send a signal to your
body to stop storing that darn belly
fat. And that is a very good thing!
Because Belly Fat is the most
dangerous fat. Whether its a Man or
a Woman. Most people think of
their belly fat as just being unsightly
and it makes them self-conscience.
But it's more than just unsightly.
It is a danger to your health. Any
excess body fat is dangerous but
Scientific research has determined
that it is the abdominal fat in
particular that poses the greatest
threat to your health.
That Fat in your abs is actually made
up of 2 kinds. First is the
subcutaneous fat. That is the fat
right beneath your skin and on top
of the ab muscles.
The other type is the visceral fat. This
is much deeper. It is beneath your
muscle and surrounds your organs.
Both of these types of fat are a
serious health risk, increasing
your chance of developing heart
disease, diabetes, high blood
pressure, stroke, sleep apnea and
even cancer. But it is this visceral
fat that is even more dangerous
because it releases inflammatory
molecules into your system on a
consistent basis. And research
has shown that inflammation is
associated with just about every
health condition. So, the Fat that
your body makes can be a
And now for the really GOOD NEWS!
Not all Fats are created equal.
There are actually some Fats that are
healthy. Yep! That's right!
The truth is our bodies need fat
to function, but not just any Fat.
It needs to be the
And they are really fabulous,
so listen up! Here is your list of
Dark Chocolate, at least 75% cacao,
(I always knew Chocolate was a
health food. Chocoholics Rejoice!!!)
Coconut - milk, flour, oil (I even give
this to my dog Birdie. Turns out this
is good for her too!
The Fabulous Avocado (I know, I
really like that word Fabulous!) And
to think when I was a kid, wouldn't
touch 'em.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Butter from Happy Cows (Translation
- Pasture Raised) You do not want to
know how commercially raised cows
are treated!
Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Pistachios,
Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Macadamias, etc.
(Who doesn't love nuts! Unless your
allergic, sorry!)
Whole Eggs (including the yolk)
High Fat Fish (Wild Salmon, Sardines,
Mackerel etc.)
Free-Range Animals.
Those last 2 won't work if you are
like me and don't eat anything with
eyeballs. But that still leaves you
with a list of 7 HEALTHY FATS.
So listen to your body!
It's saying